приемная комиссия (383) 378 88 02, тел/факс (383) 378 88 02,
приемная директора (383) 378 88 02, e-mail: ngk@edu54.ru
630048, г. Новосибирск, ул. Немировича-Данченко, 119
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Sleep Medication | Better Night Sleep Tablets | Buysafepills
Almost all sleeping pills, such as Ambien and Lunesta, should be used right before bed. You shouldn't take these Zopisign 10 mg Tablets until you've had a full night's sleep. As a result, the medication must be taken at least seven or eight hours before you wake up.

Take your sleeping prescription after you've slept through the entire night. Only use a sleeping pill if you are positive you will get seven or eight hours of rest without interruption. You can take a few short-acting sleeping pills (such as Blue Zopiclone), which are designed to be used during midnight awakenings if you can stay in bed for at least four hours.
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