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630048, г. Новосибирск, ул. Немировича-Данченко, 119
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Is Kamagra Safe For Long-Term Use?, Kamagra is a common medication for individuals suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is accessible for purchase online without a prescription from licensed pharmacies. However, certain sites sell it illegally.
Kamagra is a common medication for individuals suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is accessible for purchase online without a prescription from licensed pharmacies. However, certain sites sell it illegally. These websites may sell counterfeit or harmful medications. They may also sell drugs that are not authorized for usage in the UK. These medications may contain excessive amounts of sildenafil citrate or other potentially dangerous substances. It is extremely unsafe to take any medication without a doctor's prescription, even if it is intended to treat an STI/ED. Super Kamagra main active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, the same as Viagra. It is an erection-enhancing medication that acts as a PDE5 inhibitor, This prevents the degradation of nitric oxide in the bloodstream. This produces a long-lasting, hard erection that improves sexual performance. This drug is not suggested for women or men who are using nitrate prescriptions, such as nitroglycerin, or medicines that decrease blood flow to the penis.

This prescription is also not indicated for people who have major heart disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or bleeding issues. This medication might induce dizziness, fainting, and stomach trouble. Call your doctor immediately if you notice any of these adverse effects.
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